Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Give God His Tithe (4)

'...those who fear Him lack nothing.' Psalm 34:9 NIV

There are three kinds of givers: the flint, the sponge and the honeycomb. To get even a spark from a flint you have to hammer it. To get anything out of a sponge you have to squeeze it. But a honeycomb just overflows with sweetness. Which kind of giver would you like to be? The Psalmist writes, Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him…for those who fear Him lack nothing.’ (Psalm 34:8–9 NIV)

Tithing is an act of worship. Of the 100 to 110 hours you’re awake each week, one–third to one–half generally involve earning money. So when you give God your money, you’re giving Him your brain, your brawn and yourself. When you go to the Lord’s house on the Lord’s Day, partake of the Lord’s Supper and put the Lord’s tithe into the Lord’s treasury, it’s an act of profound worship. Now, let’s be clear: a God who paves Heaven’s streets with gold isn’t going to go broke because you don’t give Him a tithe of your income. The act of tithing isn’t about the tithe; it’s about the attitude of the tither to the Creator. It’s not about the gift; it’s about the attitude of the giver to the Giver. It’s not about the money; it’s about the attitude of the man or woman to the Maker. It’s not about possessions; it’s about the attitude of the loved ones to the Lover. As the songwriter Isaac Watts said, ‘Were the whole realm of nature mine; that were an offering far too small. Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.’

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Give God His Tithe (3)

'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse...' Malachi 3:10 NIV

When you honor the Lord in your life, He will bless your life. Imagine the advantage you’d have with God as your partner! Many famous Christian people throughout history were faithful tithers, including Henry John Heinz of Heinz 57 Varieties, and William Colgate, the toothpaste magnate. Some of these people were so blessed that, before their lives were over, they gave God 90 per cent of their income and lived on the other 10 per cent. God says: Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this…and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough to store it…all the nations will call you blessed…’ (Malachi 3:10–12 NIV) When you demonstrate that God’s business means more to you than your own, He will prosper you. And He invites you to ‘test’ Him in this. How long have you known that you should tithe, wanted to tithe, said you were going to, and yet you’ve never got round to it? Start now—and start with what you have! What you can do now is the only influence you have over your future. John D Rockefeller is reputed to have made the following statement concerning the habit of tithing: ‘I never would’ve been able to tithe the first million dollars I made if I hadn’t tithed my first salary, which was a dollar fifty per week.’ Tithing demonstrates that you’ve conquered self–interest and the fear of lack. It’s a demonstration of faith—and God always rewards faith!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Give God His Tithe (2)

'...I will give you a tenth.' Genesis 28:22 NIV

The story of Jacob is much different than Abraham's. Jacob wasn’t a giver by nature. Quite the opposite, in fact! He cheated his brother Esau out of his birthright, which entitled him to twice as much of their father’s inheritance. And when he worked for his father–in–law, Laban took advantage of him too. But one night Jacob met God in a life–changing dream, and when he woke the next morning he told God, ‘…of all that You give me, I will give You a tenth. Note, this was hundreds of years before the Law of Moses was instituted, which said, A tithe of everything…belongs to the Lord…’ (Leviticus 27:30 NIV) Jacob wasn’t motivated by law, he was motivated by love for God. You can give without loving; some folks give under pressure, or to impress others or to get an income tax deduction. But you can’t love without giving! The Bible says,For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son…’ (John 3:16 KJV) You’re never more like God than when you’re in the act of giving. Jesus said, ‘…seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.’ (Matthew 6:33 NKJV) Tithing is about putting God and His Kingdom first. When self, home, business and pleasure come first in your life, your priorities are out of whack. Tithing reverses that order and puts God where He rightfully belongs—in first place. When God instructs you to tithe, He’s telling you to establish the habit of putting Him in the number one slot as a life principle. When you do, Jesus said all these things you’re so concerned about will be added to you’.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Give God His Tithe (1)

Good Morning,
I've been doing Todays Thought for 11 years now. It is designed as a daily devotional to encourage you into spiritual discipline. I need to know if it is still relevant for you the reader. If you could help me out by telling me why you think this blog is relevant, or why it is not. I appreciate your time and thoughts on the matter. Pastor Daryl

'A tithe of everything...belongs to the Lord...' Leviticus 27:30 NIV

I know talking about my money again. Did you know Jesus spoke about money more than any other thing? Yes, God desires your gifts? If you put your mortgage before your gifts to God, you show more gratitude to your bank than you do to the One who made you. You say, ‘I earned it, so I own it.’ No. The Bible says, The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.’ (Psalm 24:1 NIV) God owns every square mile of land on earth and every person who walks on it—including you. You’re not an owner, you’re a steward! And while a good steward deserves to be well rewarded by his master, his first priority is to please him and carry out his will. The Bible says, A tithe of everything… belongs to the Lord… Get your thinking straight on this issue! In God’s eyes 10 per cent of your income is ‘dedicated funds’ to be used for one thing only—His purposes on the earth. Tithing isn’t how the church raises its budget; it’s how God raises His children. We distort God’s Word when we teach tithing as a means of getting money to pay off church debt, or as a substitute for other worn–out methods of fundraising, or as a cure–all for the church’s financial shortfalls. The Bible says, ‘…son (daughter)… give Me your heart…’ (Proverbs 23:26 NIV) When God has your heart’s deepest affection you’ll give gladly, not grudgingly. The first man in Scripture to tithe was Abraham. Why did he do it? Gratitude, because God had delivered him from the hand of an enemy who was out to destroy him. Has God delivered you? Has He blessed you? Then show your gratitude by giving Him His portion!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

You Need Friends Who Encourage You

'A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.' Proverbs 17:17 NIV

If you’re wise, you’ll surround yourself with people who support you emotionally and spiritually, and you can share your dreams and ideas with them. CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien were members of The Inklings, an informal literary discussion group associated with Oxford University. It was comprised of teachers, writers and friends who met regularly at a well–known Oxford pub to discuss passages from their favourite books as well as their own writings. In 1936, they decided the world needed more novels that had faith and morality as their central theme. Lewis and Tolkien decided to write science fiction after realising the inferior quality of similar stories being published at the time. They literally tossed a coin to decide who would write a book on space travel versus time travel. Tolkien got the time travel nod, but his early efforts with such a story never really worked out. Later, however, he achieved great success with The Lord of The Rings. Lewis wrote his famous series of novels called The Space Trilogy, and from that momentum he eventually penned The Chronicles of Narnia. Now, you may not reach that level of success, but you’ll go further with the encouragement of true friends than you will without it. So ask yourself what’s involved in cultivating the kinds of friendships that’ll help you fulfil your God–given potential. That's why belonging in the church is so important. It may mean coming out of your shell and reaching out to others. Could you encounter hurt and rejection? Sure! But you’ll succeed only if you’re willing to take that chance. So start Belonging and watch our church grow!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Stop Complaining (2)

'...when the people complained, it displeased the Lord...' Numbers 11:1 NKJV

If you think complaining is no big deal, read this: ‘…when the people complained…the Lord heard…and His anger was aroused. So the fire of the Lord burned among them, and consumed some in the outskirts of the camp.’ A wise man once said, ‘I complained that I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.’ God has blessed you in 101 different ways, and He doesn’t want to hear you whining. What were the Israelites grumbling about anyway? ‘Adversity’. For some of us adversity comes through illness. For others it’s a faltering career, not enough money to pay the bills, or a family situation that happened years ago and now you’re left shouldering the responsibility. Some of us made poor decisions earlier in life, and as a result our plans fell apart. Now we’re struggling with marital problems, blended families, and the consequences of our choices. We all have to deal with some level of adversity. We each have something in our life that God doesn’t want to hear us griping about! Understand this: it’s hard to live with adversity but, when you complain, you forego the grace that’ll get you through it. By choosing to complain and cling to the image of a perfect life, you forfeit the grace that’s available to you and will bring you victory. So change your way of thinking. Get down on your knees and pray: ‘Lord, I want the landscape of my life to be different; to experience the joy You give to those who leave the wilderness of ingratitude and move into the Promised Land of thanksgiving.’ That’s a prayer that will change you!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Stop Complaining (1)

'Do all things without complaining...' Philippians 2:14 NKJV

The scripture is a hard one this morning especially if you are a Seahawks fan. Its hard not to complain about another fourth quarter melt down. You can attribute your comments to it just being sports, but if you allow complaining in one area of your life it will generally make its way in to all areas of your life. Love this story about a lady who worked at the post office who was approached by a customer who said, ‘I can’t write. Would you mind addressing this postcard for me?’ After addressing it for him and writing a short message, the postal clerk asked, ‘Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?’ The man thought for a moment and said, ‘Yes, could you add a P.S. at the end saying, “Please excuse the sloppy handwriting.”’ Now, there’s gratitude for you! The Bible says, Do all things without complaining because when you don’t, you end up hurting: (1) Yourself. Complaining leads to anger and depression. God loves you and He doesn’t want you hurting yourself. (2) God. Complaining calls into question God’s care, His character and His competence. In reality, what you’re saying is, ‘Lord, You blew it! You had a chance to fulfil my demands and You chose not to.’ (3) Others. Your words affect the people around you and nobody enjoys spending time with a member of ‘the cold–water bucket brigade’. Complaining temporarily satisfies our selfish nature, but it changes nothing. When you complain, you explain your pain for no gain. But here’s the good news: The Bible says, ‘…the people became like those who complain of adversity…’ (Numbers 11:1 NAS) You didn’t start out as a complainer; you ‘became’ that way, and by God’s grace you can become a thanksgiver! Once you acknowledge your habit of moaning and fault–finding, it becomes possible to choose a better one. A bad habit is like a nice soft bed; it’s easy to get into and hard to get out of. So if you’ve fallen into the habit of ‘complaining’—stop it!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

How's Your Self-Talk?

'...People speak the things that are in their hearts.' Luke 6:45 NCV

When John Roebling devised a plan to build a bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn, experts thought it was impossible. They said a bridge spanning that distance couldn’t withstand the winds and tides. But Roebling refused to concede defeat; instead, he and his son, Washington, worked to solve the problems. Then just as construction was about to start, Roebling was killed in an underwater accident that left his son brain–damaged and unable to walk or talk. The prevailing wisdom was to abandon the project, but Washington Roebling was determined to fulfil his father’s dream. He developed a system of communication by touching a finger to his wife’s arm, and she in turn conveyed his ideas to the project engineers. For thirteen years that’s how he supervised construction—and in 1883 the first car drove across the Brooklyn Bridge. The ‘impossible’ had become reality! Are you facing a seemingly impossible situation at home, on the job, with your finances, or in a relationship? If so, what you tell yourself about it is important. Your self–talk sets you up for joy or misery. You can tell where your faith is by what comes out of your mouth: Good people bring good things out of the good they stored in their hearts…’ (Luke 6:45 NCV) ‘When the pressure’s on, what comes out of your mouth lets you know if you need to make some adjustments… When you want something to show up in your outward man, deposit God’s Word in the inward man. Feed on it continually… once you believe it, you’ll find yourself saying it, and once you start saying it, your entire being will reflect the treasure of His Word inside.’

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Are You Selling Your Dream?

'You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good...' Genesis 50:20 NIV

In the movie Up in the Air, actor George Clooney is hired by a major corporation to handle big lay–offs. His job is to fire people. In one scene when he’s about to fire an ageing middle manager, he notices on the man’s original resume that he’d been trained as a French chef. As the man expresses despair over losing his job, Clooney reminds him of his original dream and asks him this soul–searching question: ‘Back when you started, how much did it take to buy you away from your dream?’ At that pivotal moment the middle manager thought back to the time he decided to settle for a steady pay check in exchange for what he really wanted to do with his life. Are you doing that? Understand this: the day you were born God had a track for you to run on and an assignment for you to fulfil. So the question you must ask yourself is this: ‘Is the difficult situation I’m in right now a God–given opportunity for me to go back and fulfil the dream God gave me in the first place?’ Looking back on the most painful chapter in his life, when he was betrayed by his family, Joseph said, You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.’ His greatest loss led Joseph to the fulfilment of the dream God gave him in the beginning. Is that your story too? Are you realizing that you’ve settled for second best, and now God’s giving you a second chance; a chance to do the thing He put you in the world to do?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Signs of the Times (4)

'...this Gospel...will be preached in all the world...' Matthew 24:14 NKJV

Jesus said when we see calamity and apostasy, don’t give in to fear because they’re signs of His imminent return.But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.’ (Matthew 24:13–14 NKJV) Every prophecy concerning Christ’s first coming was fulfilled in detail, and so will every prophecy concerning His second coming. Our mandate is to work, pray, give, and take the Gospel to the whole world—then Christ will return. Though the church is winnowed down like Gideon’s army, and the world is in a state of upheaval, don’t overreact. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.’ (Psalm 37:7 NLT) God’s hand is still on the wheel. ‘…the Most High rules in the kingdom of men…’ (Daniel 4:17 NKJV) Avoid Pollyanna optimism. Though you may be personally blessed, the world order as you know it will continue to disintegrate. But that doesn’t mean you should join the ‘Chicken Licken chorus’ and declare, ‘The sky’s falling down!’ Don’t give in to the extremes of blind denial or blatant panic. When the bombs of World War II levelled Warsaw, only one skeletal structure remained standing on the city’s main street. It was the British and Foreign Bible Society, and on its walls was clearly written:Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.’ (Matthew 24:35 KJV)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Signs of the Times (3)

' will be...put to death...because of Me.' Matthew 24:9 NIV

Jesus said to His disciples: ‘ will be handed over to be persecuted…put to death, and…hated by all nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.’ (Matthew 24:9–12 NIV) Notice the words ‘put to death’. No body like's to here that phrase. Heaven is filled with those who have already fulfilled this prophecy—and hatred of Christians still abounds. Voice of the Martyrs, a Christian agency that defends religious liberties, contends that more of Christ’s followers have been killed for their faith in the last century than in most of the previous centuries combined. The global evangelism movement reports an average of 165,000 martyrs a year, more than four times the number in the past century. Today countries that facilitate religious freedom are experiencing increasing hostility toward Christians. Professors publicly mock Bible–believing students. TV talk show hosts denigrate people of faith. We can expect the persecution to increase, and when it does, fragile convictions will collapse and ‘…the love of many will grow cold.’ (Matthew 24:12 NLT) The half–hearted will become the cold–hearted. Spiritual stowaways will jump ship. Many church attendees will be exposed as faith pretenders. They’ll not only leave the faith, they’ll make the lives of the faithful miserable. When these things begin to happen, Jesus counselled, ‘…See to it that you are not alarmed…’ (Matthew 24:6 NIV) When the outlook is bleak, the ‘…blessed hope…’ (Titus 2:13 AMP) of Christ’s return calms our fears. Jesus is Coming, get excited!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Signs of the Times (2)

'...wars and rumors of wars...' Matthew 24:6 NIV

Jesus said: ‘You…hear of wars and rumours of wars… see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.’

Those who suffered through two world wars have no difficulty comprehending the word ‘wars’. But for the next six decades or so, their children and grandchildren had a more limited concept of what war meant. To them, wars were mostly regional and overseas but not on the homeland. Then came 9/11, and Americans began to understand the words, Men’s hearts failing them for fear…’ (Luke 21:26 NKJV) Some dates will forever stand out in our memory. Like the day President Kennedy was assassinated, and the day three thousand people perished in the World Trade Center. Today the political rational is if we fight terrorism ‘over there’, we won’t have to fight it here at home. But don’t be deceived. Borders will always need checkpoints. War correspondents will always have jobs. The world will never see lasting peace this side of Heaven. Jesus said, ‘…All these are the beginning of birth pains.’ Rejoice! God is still on the throne. His plan is still being worked out. The death throes of the old order we live in are the ‘birth pains’ of a new and glorious order, when Christ will return to set up His Kingdom. An old Prudential Insurance Company slogan says, ‘Get a piece of the rock.’ But when you’re trusting in Jesus for your security, you have the whole Rock!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Signs of the Times (1)

'...what will be the sign of Your coming?...' Matthew 24:3 NKJV

The big question I get asked most often is, 'when do I think Jesus return will be?' In Matthew 24 the disciples came to Jesus and asked Him, ‘…what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’, He told them things were going to get worse before they got better. Then He added these words: ‘…see to it that you are not alarmed…’ (Matthew 24:6 NIV) The word ‘alarmed’ is one Jesus used only on this occasion; it means ‘to wail, to cry aloud’. In essence, what He was saying is this: ‘Don’t fall apart when bad things happen.’ For the next few days let’s look at some of the signs Jesus said would herald His return.  Spiritual deception. ‘…Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, claiming, “I am the Messiah,” and will deceive many.’ (Matthew 24:4–5 NIV) Notice, there’ll be many deceived, as well as many deceivers. Jesus also said they’ll come ‘in My name’, masquerading as ministers of God and claiming special status and superior spirituality. They’ll boast of insider information and adorn their teachings with phrases like ‘God told me,’ implying they have access to information the common people like you don’t have. Don’t be misled. Jesus also warned, ‘…false Messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.’ (Matthew 24:24 NIV) Multitudes and miracles—when you see them, be careful. Satan can counterfeit both. Be doctrinally diligent. Focus on one question: ‘Is this person pointing listeners to the real, Biblical Jesus?’ There is only room for one name on the marquee—and that’s His!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Rules for Serving

'Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them...' Romans 12:9 NLT

When it comes to serving others, try to live by these three rules:
(1) Serve sincerely. ‘Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them’ God knows your heart, so be honest with yourself about your true motives in serving and sacrificing for others. If you need help in this area, turn to the Scriptures: For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two–edged sword…and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.’ (Hebrews 4:12 NKJV)

(2) Serve silently. ‘…when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet…that [you] may have glory from men…’ (Matthew 6:2 NKJV) Note the words, do not sound a trumpet. When people take your kindness for granted or fail to appreciate the things you do for them, don’t toot your own horn. Look to God for your reward, not people; otherwise you’ll be disappointed. ‘…as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters… so our eyes look to the Lord our God…’ (Psalm 123:2 NKJV)

(3) Serve selectively. You’re not called to go to every place, meet every need, and help every person. On two different occasions God stopped Paul from going into Asia to preach the Gospel. But look what happened next: And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.”…immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the Gospel to them.’ (Acts 16:9–10 NKJV)

Why is this important to know? Because when God guides you, He provides for you!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Power to Change

'...I will strengthen you and help you...' Isaiah 41:10 NIV

Think about this scripture in Isaiah for a moment...I will strengthen you and help you...We go to seminars and conferences looking for a painless cure by which our lives can be zapped and changed. We go on diets. We join health clubs and our enthusiasm runs strong for about two weeks. Then we fall back into the same old rut. We don’t change. We read self–help books, but the problem with self–help books is that they tell us what to do but can’t give us the power to do it. We are told things like: ‘Get rid of all your bad habits. Be positive; don’t be negative.’ But how? Where do we get the power to change? The Greek word for ‘power’, dunamis, is used in the New Testament to describe the most powerful event that ever happened—the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. And that resurrection power is available to change your life today. The most important thing in life is knowing Christ and experiencing the power of His resurrection. Paul writes, I want to know Christ… to know the power of His resurrection…’ (Philippians 3:10 NIV) Again he writes, ‘I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great His power is to help those who believe in Him. It is that same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead…’ (Ephesians 1:19–20 TLB). This Greek word for ‘power’, dunamis, can be understood in two ways: (1) ‘dynamite’, which is an explosive force, or (2) ‘dynamo’, which is a constant flow of power. And in Christ, you have both. Through Him you can break the chains that bind you and the limits that constrain you, and walk victoriously in His power today. So make the choice!