Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Monday, February 3, 2014

You Can Make a Difference!

Ephesians 4:11-14

God has designed His church to function like a loving family that you can invite people into. Church is not a place to issue edicts; church is a place to nurture growth. Church is a place that exists for the purpose of helping people grow and mature from being spiritual babies to being spiritual adults.

When God calls us to be His children, we all start out as spiritual babies. Jesus told Nicodemus that before we can ever be a part of God’s family and enter heaven, we must be born again (John 3:3). The apostle Peter tells us that we all start out our Christian lives as "newborn babies" who need the pure milk of the Word. (1 Peter 2:2). That is our spiritual starting point for all of us. Just like every other father does, our Father in Heaven wants His children to grow! Specifically, God wants us all to grow up and to mature by continually becoming more like His first and favorite Son, Jesus Christ.
Moses when he first said yes to God had to go through 40 years of spiritual growth in the wilderness before God sent him back to Egypt.

Gideon when he stood in the threshing floor and the angel spoke to him had to go through a time before he said yes I believe my God is greater. Remember how he had to have a sign and in his unbelief God showed him who he was and gave him the sign that he God was about to do great things.

How about Paul?  He was met on the road to Damascus where Jesus took him from a murder of Christians to the man that took the church to the world.

Did Paul think he could change the world in the beginning? He couldn’t even see at the time. But he obeyed God and you today are under the influence of what Paul started way back when. All of us have to start somewhere to get someplace else…that’s what we are about here at CFW. Helping you grow spiritually so you can make a difference! You are loved...

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