Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Monday, March 10, 2014

Making Right Decisions - Anger

Making Right Decisions - Anger
Ephesians 4:26-27

This week I saw on the net a “Conventional Wisdom IQ Test”. The idea is to see how many of the sayings of conventional wisdom that one can complete.
1. If it’s not broken.... don’t fix it.
2. It never rains, but.... it pours.
3. Better late.... than never.
4. It’s not over until.... the fat lady sings
5. The bigger they are.... the harder they fall
6. Can’t live with them.... can’t live without them
7. Life is like a bowl.... of cherries
8. That which does not kill me.... only makes me stronger
9. Don’t count your chickens.... before they hatch
10. Never mix business.... with pleasure

I think one of the great benefits that has come out of our detailed study of Ephesians, is that it has caused us to take a step back and question some of the “conventional wisdom” that is often applied to some of these verses. And our passage this morning is certainly one of those places. Paul says;

“In your anger do not sin: do not let the sun go down while you are still angry: and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:26, 27 (NIV)

I desire for us look at the fundamental basics of Bible study; in our fuel groups questions have been asked as to how one would understand what scripture is saying, over taking it at face value. So let’s look at several keys to a correct understanding of this passage:

Keys to understanding this passage:
1. Consider the context:
• Paul is writing to the church, not individual believers

Based on much of my research this week, it seems that the “conventional wisdom” is to take this passage and use it as a platform for a message on how to deal with the anger in our individual lives in a healthy way. I know that was my initial inclination. It’s not that we can’t apply it that way, but that’s not the context in which Paul is writing. Paul will deal with individual anger a little more directly when we get to verse 31. But I’m convinced that is not the focus of Paul’s writing here. Paul is speaking much more with life in the body than it does with our individual lives as believers.

• Paul is giving practical instruction on how to live according to what his readers already are in Jesus.

In verses 22-24, Paul reminded us who we already are in Jesus. We are to put off all the things that characterized our old way of life and put on those things that are consistent with the character of Jesus. Then, beginning in verse 25, Paul exhorts us to put off falsehood and put on truth within the body of Christ.

Verses 26 and 27 are a continuation of that practical instruction to the body.

• Paul quotes an Old Testament passage in support of his teaching.

In verse 26, Paul quotes Psalm 4:4 directly from the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament. So it’s going to be important for us to understand the theme of that Psalm and why Paul uses it here. More are loved!

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