Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Question for You?

Good I was reading and getting ready to share with you today the Lord led me to Acts 16 and I came across Paul and Barabbas's parting ways. The Holy spirit began to speak to me about relationships and how fragile they really are. How can people be for one another one moment, saying all the right words like I love you in Christ, and the next there be division or they just leave a church. The apostle Paul is a example of conflict, when in a moment he and Barnabas parted ways.

"After a while Paul said to Barnabas, "Let's go back to every city where we spread the Lord's word. We'll visit the believers to see how they're doing."Barnabas wanted to take John Mark along. However, Paul didn't think it was right to take a person like him along. John Mark had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone with them to work. Paul and Barnabas disagreed so sharply that they parted ways. Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed to the island of Cyprus. Paul chose Silas and left after the believers entrusted him to the Lord's care."
Over the years in ministry I've had relationships that seemed right and in a moment were over. Those leaving the church have devastated my heart because I loved them. Being the Shepard of the flock and losing a sheep is never easy but we always go on.
On Mondays I pray with a group of pastors that I support and love very much. One of the pastor's came with a heavy heart and shared how a very close friend in his church who he prayed with daily and loved as a brother just up and left his church. He was devastated and like many pastors asked the question, why? I've prayed for the answer to that question many times. As we sat there understanding the pain this man was going through we had little words, all we could do was pray and listen. Having only been in a pastoral role since I was a young man, I thought I would see if you could help with the answer that every pastor my thought today is not really a thought but a question. I would love for you to interact and give me a response to a question only you can answer...Why do those in the body of Christ leave their churches for no reason? Why does a conflict always mean someone has to leave when the right response would reconciliation?
Thank you and you are Loved! 

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