Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Your Work Matters to God (1)

'...My Father never stops working, and so I keep working, too.' John 5:17 NCV

A salesman stopped to visit a client and was amazed to find a big dog emptying wastebaskets. 'All part of the job!' the dog said cheerfully. 'Does your boss know how fortunate he is to have a talking dog?' the salesman asked. 'No,' replied the dog, 'and don't tell him or he'll have me answering phones next!' The Bible says, '...there is nothing better than to...find satisfaction in work... these pleasures are from...God.' (Ecclesiastes 2:24 NLT) Max Lucado says, 'Before God gave Adam a wife or a child...He...gave him a the cultivate...and keep it. (Genesis 2:15 NAS) God deems work worthy of its own engraved commandment: You shall work six days, but on the shall rest...(Exodus 34:21 NAS) But emphasis on the day of rest can make us miss the command to work... your work matters to God...and society... Cities need plumbers. Nations need soldiers. Traffic lights break. Bones break... Someone has to raise kids, raise cane, and manage the kids who raise Cain! Whether you log on or lace imitate God... Jesus said, My Father never stops I keep working too. (John 5:17 NCV) Your career consumes half of your lifetime. Shouldn't it broadcast God? Don't those 40-60 hours a week belong to Him too? The Bible never promotes pain medication, but God calls the physically able to till the gardens He gives... So use your uniqueness (what you do), to make a big deal out of God (why you do it), every day of your life (where you do it).'

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Always Give Your Best

' your work willingly...' Colossians 3:23 CEV

One of Michelangelo's greatest masterpieces was his sculpture of David. He worked on it with such passion that he often slept in his clothes, resenting the time it took to take them off and put them on again. He repeatedly examined and measured the marble to see what pose it could accommodate. He made hundreds of sketches of possible attitudes, and detailed drawings from models. He tested his ideas in wax on a small scale, and only when he was satisfied did he pick up his chisel and mallet. He approached the painting of the Sistine Chapel with the same intensity. Lying at uncomfortable angles on hard boards, breathing the suffocating air just under the vault, he suffered from inflamed eyes and skin irritation from the plaster dust. For the next four years he literally sweated in physical distress; but look at what he produced! Dr Martin Luther King Jr said, 'If a man is called to be a street sweeper he should sweep streets as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of Heaven and Earth will pause and say, Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.' If you're not passionate about what you do, find something you can be passionate about! Don't just strive to make money, strive to make a difference. Significance should be your goal, not survival. Paul gives us the ultimate reason for always giving our best: ' your work willingly as though you were serving the Lord Himself...' (Colossians 3:23 CEV) God bless your work today as you serve as if you were serving the Lord Himself!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Knowing Who Belongs in Your Life

'...Those you allow to remain will become...thorns in your sides...' Numbers 33:55 NIV

Earthquakes result from two tectonic plates on a fault line shifting against one another, then lurching in opposite directions. And that's what happens when you bond with the wrong people. It's why God instructed the Israelites concerning the hostile nations in the Promised Land, 'Those you allow to remain will become...thorns in your sides.' When a relationship is not working, when your efforts to rehabilitate it have failed, acknowledge it. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and admit that instead of you lifting them up, they're dragging you down. Releasing somebody doesn't mean they'll never improve, it just means God is better suited to the job. Be careful around those who are always trying to make you feel guilty for not 'being there'. Only God can always be there! There's a difference between helping somebody and carrying them. Your help may actually be a hindrance. Why should they even try, if you're always there to do it for them? Your need to be needed could be getting in the way of their need to grow. Step back and let them walk on their own. Not everybody will be happy when you do that, but they're not supposed to be. Jesus said, 'Woe to you when all men speak well of you...' (Luke 6:26 NKJV) Don't let fear of criticism overwhelm your common sense. People don't take confrontations well, but this is a matter of survival. Every relationship is for a reason, and a season. Discern those who belonged in your past, from those who belong in your life now.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Start Where You Are!

'...the Child grew and became strong...' Luke 2:40 NKJV

When do we get our first clue that Jesus knows He is the Son of God? In the temple when He was 12 years old. His parents are three days into the return trip to Nazareth before they notice He's missing. The temple is the last place they search, but it's the first place Jesus goes. By the time Joseph and Mary locate their son, He has confounded the most learned scholars in the temple. As a boy, Jesus already senses the call of God. But what does He do next? Recruit disciples and preach sermons? No, He goes back home and learns the family business. That's what you should do! Before you attempt to do great things for God, go home, love your family and take care of business. 'But I'm called to be a missionary,' you say. Good, because your first mission field is where you live! What makes you think you'll be believed by those who barely know you, if you're not credible to those who know you best? Charity begins at home! The Psalmist says, '...I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.' (Psalm 101:2 NLT) For His first 30 years, Jesus' neighbors remembered Him as a worker. '...He's just a carpenter...' (Mark 6:3 NLT) Jesus spent years developing a work ethic, sharpening His vocational skills and supporting His family. '...He had to be one of us...' (Hebrews 2:17 CEV) Why did Jesus do it that way? So He would know how we feel, and so we'd be confident in going to Him with our needs, knowing He's qualified and able to meet them. Sunday God gave us a awesome message on what our purpose is here on this earth. When you start where you give God the opportunity to help you be the best representative you can be for Him. That’s your purpose...So, start where you are!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Stumbling Blocks

'...take the stumbling block out of the way...' Isaiah 57:14 NKJV

To fulfil your God-given purpose in life you must confront your defects of character, see them as stumbling blocks and begin to remove them. Here are six of the most common ones.

(1) Pride. Spiritual pride, social pride?God hates all forms of pride. His Word says, '...with humility...regard one another as more important than yourselves.' (Philippians 2:3 NAS) Pride toppled Satan from his high position in Heaven, and it will topple you too if you let it.

(2) Insecurity. Insecure people aren't willing to take risks. They complain about their lot in life, yet they're afraid to embrace change and do something about it. They prefer to remain comfortable. What's the solution? Stepping out in faith, being confident in God!

(3) Moodiness. Moody people are like the wind?you don't know which way they'll blow. You can't depend on them. Confidence is never built on a person who's fickle. (4) Perfectionism. Perfectionism is the obsessive need to perform flawlessly. It stifles your creativity, and turns others off. Perfectionists can't affirm themselves, therefore it's difficult for them to affirm anybody else.

(5) Over-sensitivity. Over-sensitive people are always licking their wounds and looking inward; as a result, they're unaware of the needs of others. Ironically, they never understand why they're so lonely.

(6) Negativity. Negative people are hard to be around. Their personality says no to life in general, and people tend to avoid them like the plague. Do you recognise any of these stumbling blocks in your life? If so, pray, ask God for help, and start to remove them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When God Gives You a Vision (2)

'...I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.' Acts 26:19 NKJV

When God gives you a vision:

(1) It will interrupt you. Sometimes God will speak in a voice you can't tune out. Other times, like Jonah, God will let you go to the bottom to get your attention. Either way, things won't go right until you say yes to Him.

(2) It will illuminate you. You may not like what God says. Ananias didn't like going to pray for Saul of Tarsus, a man with the power to put Christians to death. But God said, 'Go, for he is a chosen vessel... I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake.' (Acts 9:15-16 NKJV) Notice the word 'suffer'. The devil isn't going to send you a congratulatory telegram because you have decided to do God's will, so be prepared for attack.

(3) It will inspire you. You will accomplish things you never dreamed possible. Look at Gideon. When God found him he was hiding in a winepress (Judges 6:11 NKJV); not exactly a promising start. When the angel called him 'a mighty man of valour' (v 12 NKJV), he replied, 'I am the least in my father's house.' (v 15 NKJV) When the angel said, 'The Lord is with you,' he replied, 'If the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?' (vv 12-13 NKJV) When he finally took the job, he wondered, 'How can so few of us defeat so many of them?' Yet at that very moment his enemies were having nightmares about him. (Judges 7:13-15) The secret of victory lies in knowing that it is God working in me. (Philippians 2:13)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When God Gives You a Vision

'...I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.' Acts 26:19 NKJV

Paul had a 'heavenly vision'. But there are those who '...speak a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the Lord.' (
Jeremiah 23:16 NKJV) So you must be sure you are operating according to God's plan, neither your own nor somebody else's. The story of the Tower of Babel teaches us two things.

First, that when people make up their mind to do something, they often succeed; and second, that succeeding doesn't mean that you're in the will of God. The word Babel (confusion) means others can think you're right, yet you're wrong. You ask, 'But isn't it all right to make plans and set goals?' Yes, but your plans and goals should come out of a vision that God has given you. When Paul said, 'I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision', he meant that there's only one acceptable response to God's plan, obedience! Partial obedience, selective obedience or delayed obedience are still all disobedience. William Carey, who is considered the father of modern missions, gave up comfort and fortune to go to India and introduce the Gospel. One of his more memorable quotes is: 'Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.' But you can only say that with confidence when you know what God has called you to do. What He ordains, He sustains! When you set your own goals you lack a heartfelt confidence that God is doing the work, so you wear yourself out thinking it's all up to you. However, when you know God has given you a vision for your life, you trust Him, even when you can't see any way to bring it to pass. So what vision has God given you to do for the church? When Paul said, 'I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision', he meant that there's only one acceptable response to God's plan, obedience! Partial obedience, selective obedience or delayed obedience is still disobedience. All you have to say is, God help me see the plan and be obedient!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Learn to Value Others

We're glad to be home and to be with all of you again. We had a great vacation with family and friends. I don't recomend doing the Grand Canyon in 112 degree weather. But it was still awesome to see God's greatness displayed for all the world to see. I'll have pictures up in a few days. I'm just playing catch up now that we are back. I just wanted to shout, what a awesome day yesterday...God's presence manifested itself and we saw people getting prayed for and healed! Thanks for allowing yourselves to be open to what God wants for His church. "We are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus" You were created for a purpose so ask God to use you today! If you do, watch out. It's going to be awesome...

' your neighbor...' Mark 12:31 NKJV
There are two things we should never do: First, to expect to feel fully at home in this world, because '...we are citizens of Heaven...' (Philippians 3:20 NLT), and second, to become so heavenly minded that we are no earthly use. The 'salt' and 'light' principles Jesus taught call for us to influence and illuminate others for good and for God. That means taking responsibility to do things better at home, on the job, and in all our dealings. If the only people you show genuine care for are in your church, your salt isn't flavouring and your light isn't dispelling darkness. Christ's command to 'Love your neighbor' includes the less-than-lovable. And you only love others when you add value to their lives! You may ask, 'How do I do that?' Here are four suggestions.

First, by truly valuing them. That calls for believing in them before they believe in you, serving them before they serve you, loving them before they love you, and giving to them without expecting anything in return.

Second, by making yourself more valuable. You can't give what you don't have, so you must earn and grow in order to give and guide.

Third, by knowing what they value. What happens when you're interested only in your own agenda? You know very little about the people around you. Make others' priorities your priorities. Ask to hear their stories. Discover their hopes and dreams. Make their success part of your mission.

Finally, by doing things that God values. When your life is done, what will you have lived for? Eventually, everything on earth will turn to dust? including you! So give yourself to things that will last beyond your lifetime.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What’s Good for the Goose (4)

‘Look at the birds in the sky!...’ Matthew 6:26 CEV

With geese, their relationship is
‘till death do us part’. They take it seriously. They’re fully committed. When the ravages of time or circumstances make it impossible for a bird to continue the trip and it begins to lose altitude or fails to keep abreast of the formation, the gaggle provides it with comfort, nurture and protection. Two strong geese leave the formation, flying with the ‘patient’ safely between them, find a sheltered location with food and water and make a home for the needy bird. They’ll stay with their ward until it either recovers or dies, before joining another formation. For them, everything goes ‘on hold’ to care for another bird! What an example of Christ–like relationship and self–sacrificing love. ‘...God has combined the members of the body…that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it...’ (1 Corinthians 12:24–26 NIV) In today’s culture we discount and marginalise the needy, including those no longer functioning as they once did. But God demands that we ‘have equal concern for each other’, especially with those suffering. If a gaggle of birds can do it, surely God’s family ought to do it too. ‘Look at the birds in the sky!’ Jesus directs. If they can do it for each other, ‘...Aren’t you worth more than birds?’ (Matthew 6:26 CEV) One of the two greatest commandments (not suggestions) Christ gave us is, ‘...Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater...’ (Mark 12:31 NIV) When word circulates that we love each other in this way, they’ll beat down the doors of our church to get in! Think about our church doing what it is shaped to do? Looks great doesn't it? There are many ways to help out at Calvary. If you want to know how just give me a are Loved!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's Good for the Goose (3)

‘Look at the birds in the sky!...’ Matthew 6:26 CEV

In the world of geese, the aged, very young, and infirm are kept protected in the rear of the formation. But they aren’t isolated, discounted or considered useless; in fact they fulfil a vital role. They become the honking section and cheer for the leaders. Inevitably, bad weather threatens the mission. The going gets tough and the tough are struggling. From the rear of the formation a lone honk sounds, initiating a geese chorus honking encouragement to the point goose. Paul understood this:
‘...encourage one another and build each other up...’ (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV) He knew we need a ‘honking section’ supporting us with uplifting words and prayer. We need those who say, ‘We are behind you. We’ve got your back covered!’ ‘But…you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.’ (2 Thessalonians 3:13 NKJV) Many a servant of Christ has crossed their deepest valley on a wing, a prayer and a honk from some old scarred, battle–hardened, straggle–feathered, half–bald honker of encouragement who was too stubborn to let a brother or sister quit on their watch! Occasionally, a strident, out–of–tune goose complains loudly and irritatingly. Within moments the honking section kicks in, drowning out the grumbler, restoring order and unity. The church’s problem isn’t too many people speaking negatively, it’s too few speaking positively! When someone cries, ‘defeat’, honk back, ‘victory’! When they cry, ‘fear’, honk back, ‘faith’. A few words of encouragement can overpower a storm of complaints. So join the honking section and be known like Barnabas, whose name means ‘Son of Encouragement’. (Acts 4:36 NIV) Will you join me and be a person of encouragement today. Just think what can happen when a church full of people are encouraging and honking great things to one another. We will unstopable for the kingdom. Let me encourage you today: You are awesome and loved much!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What’s Good for the Goose (2)

Tuesday, 03 August 2010

‘Look at the birds in the sky!...’ Matthew 6:26 CEV

Every formation has to have a
‘point goose’ out front who leads and sets the pace for the others. It’s a tough position because the point goose cuts the headwinds, meets the changing weather conditions, and is first to feel the rain in his face, the snow in his eyes and the ice on his wings. He keeps the formation on target whatever the situation. It’s hard, exhausting and lonely at times because there’s nobody ahead of him to be the wind beneath his wings. The formation depends on him to persevere, stay on track and get the skein safely to its destination.

Every church has its point goose:
the pastor. Each department has its point geese: youth, finance, evangelism, care ministries, and so on. They lead, set the pace and give direction to those who follow. There are two common roles in the church: the under–employed and the over–functioning. Point ministries are the latter, so they tend to burn out frequently. Just before the point goose is exhausted, a space opens in the formation and he slips back into it while another bird replaces him, seamlessly becoming the next point goose. Standing in for each other preserves the life of the formation. This is what Paul meant: ‘The whole body [is] held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part...’ (Ephesians 4:16 NAS) Don’t be content to be a consumer; instead, be a producer! A great church isn’t about paid staff; rather, it’s about volunteers willing to stand in whenever needed. We need you at Calvary! Today someone needs you to be a point goose and step in their place to give them a rest. We need a point goose for our childrens ministry right now...I know it sounds funny, point goose. But you get the picture. Find a place and get plugged in. You were shaped for a purpose. So don't let that shape go to waste.

Monday, August 2, 2010

What's Good for the Goose (1)

‘Look at the birds in the sky!...’ Matthew 6:26 CEV

Speaking to an anxiety–ridden crowd, Jesus said, ‘I tell you not to worry about your life… Look at the birds in the sky!’ You say, ‘What can I learn from looking at a bunch of birds?’ If you’ve ever been to Minnesota in early winter, you’ll have seen the skies literally darken as multitudes of Canadian geese gather for their annual flight to the sunny south. It's an incredible site as they fly over and you see Gods creation doing what they were created to do.

For the next few days let’s look at their behaviour, and learn from it.
Geese fly united; they don’t fly separately, in random style, because no goose alone can go that distance. They’re designed to fly in their characteristic ‘V’ formation. When a bird flaps its wings the air movement created provides an uplift, easing the workload of the bird behind it. Together, their flight range increases about 70 per cent. Even the youngest, weakest and oldest geese can make the trip. They accomplish together what they could never accomplish separately. There’s a lesson here: when the Bible says, ‘Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another...’ (Hebrews 10:25 NIV), it means, ‘Stay in fellowship with one another, and enjoy the uplift it provides.’ You’re not called to fly solo. ‘The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”’ (1 Corinthians 12:21 NIV) Occasionally a goose strays off on its own but soon becomes exhausted, loses altitude and ultimately pulls wearily back into the formation. Yesterday the word took us to this place in Sunday service. The meeting together provides us with the necessary things we need to survive the next day and the day after and the day after. More tomorrow. ‘Look at the birds’, and learn.