Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Handling Criticism the Right Way (3)

'It is to a man's honor to avoid strife...' Proverbs 20:3 NIV

As I was praying on how I should close these thoughts on handling criticism the right way, God spoke to me and said its no different than what you are speaking on Sunday. Telling the Truth by speaking it in love helps us handle the how and why of criticism. It is our responsibility to avoid conflict and strife as believers. So how do you go about it: (1) Concentrate on your mission and change your mistakes! Most of us do the opposite; when criticism comes we change our mission and concentrate on our mistakes. If you run every time you make a mistake, you will never accomplish anything. Instead you'll live in constant frustration. The only real mistakes are the ones from which you learn nothing. So instead of dwelling on your mistakes, count on making some, growing wiser and moving on to finish the job. There's an old Arabian proverb that says, 'If you stop every time a dog barks, your road will never end.' Don't let your failures become roadblocks-turn them into building blocks. Proverbs 27:17 NIV says, 'Iron sharpens iron...' So pray and grow sharper through criticism. (2) Spend time with the right people. When you have optional time spend it with those who build you up, not tear you down. Quality time with the right people will strengthen your faith and fortify you against the effects of the worst criticism. It will also keep you from becoming critical yourself. When crows attack a hawk, the hawk doesn't counter-attack. Instead, it soars higher and higher in ever-widening circles until the pests leave it alone. What a great strategy! Circle above your critics rather than stooping to their level: 'It is to a man's honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.' If your attitude is to have any effect on people it will be because of your example, not your defensiveness. You are loved...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Handling Criticism the Right Way (2)

'...Christ...while being reviled...did not revile in return...' 1 Peter 2:21-23 NAS
This is a hard one. How do we learn to be like Christ in the midst of criticism? As a pastor I've come to expect criticism as a part of the job or ministry. Everyone has an opinion on how I should run the church and to be fair some have given me constructive criticism that has helped me immensely in dealing with people. So how can you learn to accept what is given in love to help you grow as a believer? When it comes to handling criticism the right way you must:

(1) Demonstrate emotional and spiritual maturity. Exhaustion can affect the way you act when you're under pressure. Elijah slipped into depression because of it. Queen Jezebel hounded him relentlessly. Her opposition sapped his strength and caused him to say, '...It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life...' (1 Kings 19:4 KJV) Satan will take advantage of your weariness. When you're fatigued you can become overly sensitive and miss the opportunity for growth that comes with the criticism. (2) Realize that good people get criticized. Jesus was called a glutton (Matthew 11:19); a drinker (Luke 7:34); a friend of disreputable characters (Matthew 11:19). People whose opinions are set and whose thinking is off won't understand behavior based on obedience to God. So when your ideas and values clash with theirs, try to be gracious.
(3) Always keep a good attitude. Your own attitude can be more detrimental to you than somebody else's. You know what they say: 'A chip on your shoulder usually indicates wood higher up.' Peter writes: 'You have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps, who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to [God] who judges righteously.' (1 Peter 2:21-23 NKJV) Give it to God, and press on! You are loved...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Handling Criticism the Right Way (1)

'Everything in me will celebrate when you speak what is right.' Proverbs 23:16 NLT
Amy and I hope you are relaxed after the holiday. Thanks to everyone who made Sunday a success, it was a wonderful time in the Spirit. The baptism was especially special as we baptized some awesome people. We also want to say thanks for praying for the ministry @CFW. The things God is doing are only coming about because of people like you who pray and serve with a servants heart. Keep up the good work. For the next couple of days we are going to look at criticism. How can you overcome it and allow criticism will make you a better person. Let's look at three things :
(1) Look beyond the criticism and see the critic. If it's someone you respect, listen to what they say. If it's someone who's constantly critical, don't place too much value on what they say; they're probably just projecting their frustrations onto you. The story's told of a twelve-year-old boy who hadn't spoken since he was born. After being served oatmeal for breakfast several weeks in a row, he shouted, 'Yuck, I hate this stuff!' His mother jumped up, hugged him and said, 'We thought you couldn't talk. Why haven't you ever spoken to us?' Bluntly he exclaimed, 'Because up until now everything's been ok.' Some folks only talk when they're upset. The important question is, does your critic sincerely want to help you?
(2) Try not to take yourself too seriously. Let's face it, we all do things we regret. But when you can laugh at yourself and learn from it, you're growing into maturity. (3) Know the difference between constructive and destructive criticism. Learn how to interpret criticism by asking:
(a) In what spirit is it given? If your critic's attitude is kind, rest assured it's meant to be constructive.
b) When is the criticism given? When somebody criticizes you publicly, usually their intentions aren't the best.
(c) Why is the criticism given? 'The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.' (Proverbs 20:5 NIV) When people are hurting, they tend to hurt others. So always ask, 'Was this criticism given for my benefit or out of personal hurt?' I know its hard to take criticism sometimes where we are in life. But I didn't know I was dressing weird until my beautiful wife told me so as a young married man when she politely said; don't you think logging boots and dress pants might not go together? We'll look at more are loved!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Why People Leave the Church (3)

'Let us not...judge one another anymore...' Romans 14:13 KJV

It's the end of May already and Memorial Day weekend is upon us. I want to thank those who served our country in the various branches of the military. We salute you! But something else is happening this Sunday...we are baptizing and dedicating 4. I hope you join us and celebrate with those who have given there heart to Christ and our taking the next step in baptism. I'm looking forward to this weekends service and I'm praying you are too. I hope these last three thoughts on the prodical son has spoken to you. Here's the last reason people leave the church: because of the attitude of some church members. The older boy in Christ's parable knew how to be a son, but he didn't know how to be a brother. If the jealousy and judgmentalism he showed toward his brother is anything to go by, it's little wonder his brother left home in the first place. Paul writes: 'Let us not therefore judge one another anymore: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.' The Bible says, 'He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause of stumbling in him.' (1 John 2:10 NKJV) Do your attitudes and actions strengthen others or cause them to stumble? The action of encouragement takes work. I have to personally work on this everyday. Its easy to make people stumble and control them. John writes about Diotrephes? John talked about him: 'I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church.' (3 John 1:9-10 NKJV) Diotrephes was an opponent of authority who wanted only one thing-control! And John denounced him as 'evil', saying, '...he who does evil has not seen God.' (v11 NKJV) Only eternity will reveal how many people have been driven away from the church by critical, callous, controlling Christians. Make sure you're not one of them! Be an encourager for the kingdom. You are loved more than you know!

Why People Leave the Church (2)

Why People Leave the Church (2)
'We have come to believe and know...You...' John 6:69
We continue to look at why people leave the church. This is tough because as a pastor I experience this on a regular basis in people's lives I minister too. It affects me when people move away from the body and from Christ. Some believe the rules of the Father's house seem too restrictive. Many people want Christ's love but not His lordship, His blessings but not His commandments. It's not that He offers them too little, but that the cost of serving Him seems too high. Maybe you are thinking that if you'd lived in the days of Christ, walked and talked with Him and heard Him preach, you would be a better Christian. Think again! 'His disciples, when they heard this, said, "This is a hard saying"...From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more." Then Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?" But Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ...'' (vv. 60 & 66-69 NKJV). True discipleship doesn't result from attending a special service at church. No, it's progressive. It's the result of 'coming to believe and know' the Lord as you walk with Him on the mountaintop and in the valley, in the bad times as well as the good. That's why Peter wrote: 'Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe...A stone that causes men to stumble...' (1 Peter 2:7-8 NIV). Paul puts it this way: '...No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost' (1 Corinthians 12:3). The purpose of the Holy Spirit working in your life is to bring you into submission to the will of God. And that involves a relationship-with rules! You are loved...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why People Leave the Church

'...The younger son...journeyed to a far country...' Luke 15:13

Getting a chance to get this off today. Amy's brother Gary came in from Texas for a couple of days so I took the day off yesterday. Today they took off somewhere to sightsee so I have to get some work done, like Sunday's message. I hope you have been enjoying this series and making applications in you're lives. Been thinking lately and have asked the question, 'why is living for Christ such a spiritual struggle for some.' The story of the Prodigal Son is applicable to many of us. It speaks to those who have been raised in church, know God's Word, have felt His presence, understand His claims, and once served Him. But like the Prodigal, they've 'gone to the hogs.' Notice, he's not called the Prodigal Sinner but the Prodigal Son, because he still belongs in the family. For the next few days I want to look at why people leave the church. First:Because the blessings of Father's house become commonplace. Notice, he didn't appreciate what he had until he lost it. Notice also, his father didn't kick him out of the house, '[he] took his journey into a far country' (KJV). He left of his own free will and came back the same way. What's the point? If God's love can't hold you, His power won't force you! It's your willing obedience that God finds pleasure in, not conforming to a set of religious rules because you are afraid of going to hell. Jesus told the story of a king who planned a wedding feast and invited different guests. What a privilege. 'But they made light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business' (Matthew 22:5 NKJV). Are you too busy for God? Have you gotten used to His blessings and decided you want something different? Be warned, the road you are on leads to one place only: the hog pen. Stop, turn around, repent and come home while youstill can. No matter how badly you have failed, your Father is waiting to takeyou back. You are loved...

Monday, May 21, 2012

How Badly Do You Want It?

'...You have great faith! Your request is granted.' Matthew 15:28 NIV

Matthew records: 'A Canaanite woman...came to Him, crying out, " daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession" ...He answered, "I was sent only to...Israel...It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." "Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted."' (Matthew 15:22-28 NIV) This Gentile woman was an outsider, yet she pushed through and got what comfortable insiders often miss. Talk about hurdles! First, Jesus refused to answer her. Next, He said, 'What I have is only for the Jews.' Finally He said, 'It wouldn't be right to give the children's bread to dogs.' Most of us would have walked away offended. Not her! She cried, 'Have mercy on me.' She wasn't asking for what she deserved, she was crying out for what she needed! As a result, Jesus removed every obstacle and answered her prayer. And if you persist, He will do the same for you too. In reality, this woman told Jesus, 'Let the children have the bread, all I need are the crumbs.' Church folks can become so complacent that they neglect the bread, waste the bread, complain about the bread and sometimes don't even come to church to get the bread. But some desperate people pick up the crumbs and find life! They know that if there's power in the loaf, there's power in the crumb. And when a crumb is all you can get, a crumb is all you need. I shared a story yesterday that happened to me at Men's conference. God gave me divine intervention to speak into a man's life. He was angry with God because he lost his job and his retirement and God paired him up with me so I could tell him something special. That in life when everything seems to be falling down around us, all we need is a crumb from the loaf of life to get us going. The next day I saw him and I know he got more than just a crumb. My prayer is that you go after the whole loaf. Because our God wants to give you all you can eat. So what do you need from God today? How badly do you want it? You are loved...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Do You Love God's Word?

'Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.' Matthew 24:35

One of the first things I had to learn as a young believer was that I needed God's word. If I was to live this new belief system that I had accepted in my life I would need to understand whom I was believing and putting faith in. To say I accept Christ into my heart but have no desire to know him is like saying I wanted to marry Amy but Never pursued her. I just looked at her from afar saying I'm going to marry her but never doing anything about it. An anonymous author has written about the bible: 'It contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the fate of sinners, and the happiness of believers. It is a light to direct you, food to nourish you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's road map, the pilot's compass, the soldier's weapon, and the player's game plan. It's a mine of incredible wealth, and a river of genuine joy. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Christ is its grand subject, your good its design, and the glory of God its end. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, practice it to be spiritually healthy. Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully. Let it fill your memory, rule your heart, and guide your steps. It is given to you in life, will be opened at the judgment, and be remembered for ever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and judge those who trifle with its sacred contents.' The Bible is 'The word of our God which shall stand forever...' (1 Peter 1:25). Most of us respect the Bible; the trouble is we don't read it daily and put it into practice. Will you read today?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

If You Persist, You Will Prevail

'...Don't give up.' Galatians 6:9 NLT

I woke up this morning feeling my right hand and I commented to Amy that it felt like I had a fight with someone last night. I said, you better check I didn't smack you or something by accident. She laughed and said no I'm sure I would feel it this morning. So I asked God what's going on? I immediately knew I was in a spiritual fight last night. The battle for the second part of this weeks message is already on. Am I going to compromise the word and give up or stick it to the devil and prevail through Christ...What happens when stuff like that happens to you? Do you give up? Or do you Prevail? Most of us underestimate the time it takes to achieve anything of lasting value. You've got to be willing to pay your dues. Cutting corners is a sign of impatience and poor self-discipline. The secret of every breakthrough is to follow through. Albert Gray says, 'The common denominator of all success lies in forming the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do.' If you find yourself continually giving in to your moods, you need to change your approach to doing things. To do this, you must set standards for yourself that require accountability. Suffering a consequence for not following through will keep you on track like nothing else. Once your new standards are in place, work according to them, not your moods; that will get you going in the right direction. Self-discipline is a quality that's won only through practice. Successful people have learned to do what doesn't come naturally. They are willing to confront discomfort, distractions and doubt, and act in spite of them because they know with "Christ all things are possible!" RH Macy, founder of Macy's department stores, failed at five different professions-whaler, retail clerk, gold miner, stockbroker, real estate broker-before he finally succeeded. When asked what sustained him through failure after failure he replied, 'Purpose and persistence.' That's what separates those who achieve from those who merely dream! It's why Paul wrote: 'Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.' (Galatians 6:9 NLT) You are loved...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Draw on His Power Within You

'To Him who is able to do immeasurably more...'
Ephesians 3:20 NIV

I'm sitting in my office this morning and it may sound crazy, but there is something going on in the spiritual world around us. I don't know if you have sensed it but since Sunday there is a battle going on for you. Maybe it has to do with the message of making families and marriages strong. I believe that may be the case. I got phone calls from our spiritual leaders in the church sharing the same thing, something is going on. When there is a battle going on in your life what do you do? It immediately sent me to seek the Holy Spirit's presence and God's word. There are words in your Bible with so much power in them that they're more effective than any therapy. God can illuminate a Scripture that goes back into the past and heals your wounds, gives you direction in the middle of despair and provides hope for the future. Satan will try to fill your mind with so much junk that you don't have an appetite for God's Word. That's because he knows the Scriptures unmask him, and release the potential lying dormant within you. Before Jeremiah rose to national prominence as a prophet, God told him two things: (1) 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...' (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV) Your parents didn't get the first look at you, God did. Nothing about you surprises Him. In spite of what you've been through, He hasn't changed His mind about who you are or what you're destined to become. (2) 'Before you were born I set you apart...' (v5 NIV) You say, 'I've always felt different.' That's because you are. Celebrate it! Stop looking for acceptance where you don't belong. You're on a mission for God; that's why the enemy has tried so hard to take you out. Once you understand that, your struggle will begin to make sense. As you study God's Word you'll begin to experience the mind-renewing, life-changing power He's deposited within you. 'Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.' So start drawing on that power today. Start seeking His presence and it will change and transform you! You are loved...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hold Up Your Pastor's Hands

'I will give you shepherds according to My heart...' Jeremiah 3:15 NKJV

Here's a sad statistic: over 50% of those who enter the ministry leave it within ten years because of discouragement. Isn't that a incredible stat. Amy and I have thought about leaving the ministry a time or two. But then God intervenes and encourages us and we continue on. I was so encouraged yesterday after service as many of you stood to be prayed over for your marriages. Days like that keep us going and the hunger to help people gets stronger. But everyday isn't like that and we need love and prayers just like you. So how do you hold us up? Picture this: Joshua's soldiers are down in the valley fighting the Amalekites. Above him on a hilltop sits Moses with his hands raised toward Heaven. As long as his arms are raised the battle goes their way. But if you've ever tried to hold your hands up for long, you quickly grow weary and lower them. The moment Moses does that, the battle goes against Israel. So Aaron and Hur hold up his arms and the tide turns in favor of Israel. It wasn't just Joshua's ability to fight, it was Moses' ability to hold up his arms that won the day. Aaron and Hur kept a leader from fainting so an entire nation could be saved. God said, 'I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.' God has given you a great team who love, lead and feed you. It's your job to support the team. Hold up our hands! In the Old Testament tabernacle the candlesticks had to be kept burning day and night because their light represented God's presence among His people. If a light so much as flickered, designated servants moved in immediately to refuel it and restore it to its original glow. Are you getting the idea? It's your responsibility to make sure the light doesn't flicker in your church or the fire go out in your pulpit. So pray for your us every day. And be sure to encourage us every chance you get. Because we really need it. The spiritual battle gets harder and longer as everyday passes. You are loved...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Don't Be a Fool (2)

'...You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you...' Luke 12:20 NIV

Jesus told the story of a successful farmer who said, '...I will pull down my barns, and build greater...' (Luke 12:18 NKJV) Evidently he was a good businessman and planner. But then he said: 'I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry." But God said to him, "Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?" So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.' (Luke 20:19-21 NKJV) How many of us have a plan for time but none for eternity? As a young man just graduated from high school I had all these plans to find the right job to make money so I could party. Big plans right. This scripture tells us this man had a plan for time, but none for eternity. He thought about himself, but not God. He paid attention to his body, but not his soul. That's where my life was many years ago. I was paying attention to everything but was important. It's said that the average body has enough phosphorus to make 800,000 match heads, enough sugar to go into 60 cubes, enough salt to cover 20 spoons, and enough iron to make about ten dollars' worth of nails. The rest is just dust and water. When you pamper, promote and protect the part of you that will only live 70 or 80 years and neglect the part of you that will live on in either Heaven or hell, God says you're a fool. This man told himself he had 'many years' but God said, 'This night your soul will be required of you.' Thats what I had to find out in my life. Only by Gods grace did I see the need to fill my soul as well. The question is not will you die, but when? And are you ready to stand before God? I'm praying are loved!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't Be a Fool (1)

'The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God..."' Psalm 14:1 NKJV

Have you ever been called a fool? I can remember many a time growing up that word fool may have been said in my direction for a few questionable actions. But to deny God is totally different. The Psalmist said, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." Many people today are saying there is no God. They are running after something that it is right in front of them. Look at the atheist. It's said, 'An atheist can't find God for the same reason a thief can't find a policeman.' Sometimes pride is at the core of atheism. Without God, you become your own god, which means there's no higher power than yourself!
But the God of the Bible proves His existence in three ways:
(1) Creation. Many people are in prison today who weren't caught at the scene of the crime, and no one actually witnessed the crime. What proved they did it? Fingerprints! DNA! Creation carries God's fingerprints and DNA. 'Look up into the Heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name...' (Isaiah 40:26 NLT)
(2) Calvary. In creation you see God's power, at the cross you see His love for you. In creation you see His hand, at the cross you see His heart.
(3) Conscience. 'Gentiles...even without having heard it...demonstrate that God's law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.' (Romans 2:14-15 NLT) Conscience is like having the Ten Commandments in your soul; no one was born without one. Voltaire, the French atheist, said, 'It took twelve fishermen to build Christianity. I will show the world how one Frenchman can destroy it.' After Voltaire died, the home in which he had lived became Europe's most famous Bible distribution center. Bottom line: Voltaire is dead; our God lives! Atheism is the greatest gamble of all. After all, what if there is a God and you stand before Him one day? You are loved...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spiritual Landmarks

'This I call to mind and therefore I have hope.' Lamentations 3:21 NIV

Good morning,
Ladies just a reminder that tonight at 6pm @JD's Diner is our monthly Women's Connection. Please bring finger sandwiches to share and wear your favorite hat.

So what are spiritual landmarks? Spiritual landmarks remind you of the times when God intervened on your behalf. Someone said, 'We're not slow learners, just quick forgetters.' How soon we forget, or claim credit for things we had little to do with. When God parted the Jordan River for His people to cross over, He knew something they didn't-that on the other side they would face some big challenges, including the City of Jericho. That's when they would need 'reminders'. So He told them to collect twelve stones from the Jordan and build a monument, so they and their children would recall His past faithfulness to them. Samuel did the same after Israel defeated the Philistines. He took a stone and named it Ebenezer, meaning, 'Thus far the Lord has helped us.' (1 Samuel 7:12 NKJV) I have personally felt like that a time or two. "Ok God thanks so far." But God had to teach me to look back and remind myself that he is always with me. Before you give in to discouragement, doubt or defeat, stop and recall what God has done for you 'thus far'. Like the day you met Jesus, or the times He guided you, or the doors He opened that you thought were permanently shut, or the scrapes He brought you through. Keep a record of these events and refer to it often. I share events from my life in my messages because they remind me and they help you. It will also help you to remember His goodness when you tend to forget it. It will give you a sense of gratitude for yesterday's blessings, and confidence to face whatever tomorrow brings. 'This I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.' (Lamentations 3:21-23 NIV) You are loved...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Be Nurturing

'...Love each other as I have loved you.' John 15:12 NIV

"Love each other as I have loved you," That's a big command. It's hard to be nurturing when your nature doesn't lean that way. Some of us are more ruff on the outside than others and it takes some work to love others as Christ loves them. But this is something we must work on in our lives because it is a direct command from Christ. When Jesus said, 'Love each other,' the Greek word for 'love' used has a sense of self-sacrificing nurture. Think of a mother and her child: her love is constant and her greatest desire for her child is to thrive. You say, 'Isn't this the kind of love people should get at home, not from me?' Truth is, beneath the facade, some people in your life desperately need to be nurtured. And they'll be influenced most by those who make them feel best about themselves. One leader writes: 'Many people are very close to my heart because they believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. They listened to me without condemnation and loved me unconditionally, even when I wasn't very lovable. Without them, I wouldn't have possessed the hope I needed to keep pursuing my dream.' Now, you can't be like the little girl who came home from church and announced, 'I want to be like the man who stood up in the pulpit today.' Delighted, her mom said, 'You want to go into the ministry?' 'No,' she replied, 'I want to tell people what to do!' Hello! Some of us want to be authority figures so we can correct people and give them our so-called 'constructive criticism'. Most folks don't need a critic, they need a cheerleader. When you nurture them, they will welcome you to speak into their life-and they will listen. Goethe said, 'Correction does much, but encouragement does much more.' So think encouraging words and speak encouraging words. 'Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.' (Proverbs 12:25 NKJV) You are loved...

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Word for 'Worrywarts'

' are worried and upset about many things.' Luke 10:41 NIV

Ever been a worrywart? It's easy. I have to catch myself all the time worrying about things I have no control over. I worry about you, (services, I had to catch myself yesterday) leadership, and the list goes on. If we are not careful and something it took me sometime to learn is; worry acts like a thief and it robs us of the joy God wants us to experience each day. Basically, all our worries come down to two things: that we won't get what we need or that we'll lose what we've got. Martha was a 'worrywart' and it showed up when Jesus came to dinner. She worked hard in the kitchen while her sister Mary sat listening to Jesus. In frustration Martha asked, '...Lord, don't You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?' (v40 NIV) Worry makes us forget who's servant and who's Lord. Notice three things in this story: (1) Martha was busy serving, but she wasn't enjoying it. No doubt she wanted to please Jesus; it's just that she allowed her work for the Lord to become more important to her than her relationship with the Lord. Has that happened to you? (2) Satan didn't take Martha out of the kitchen; he just stole her purpose for being there. Satan doesn't turn you against the church; he just makes you focus on yourself. He doesn't take away your ministry, he just discourages you by saying you're overworked and not appreciated. (3) God values your attitude more than your actions. 'Do everything without complaining...' (Philippians 2:14 NIV) A bad attitude spoils the gift you offer to God. Jesus said, 'Martha...only one thing is needed. Mary has' (Luke 10:42 NIV) What did Mary choose? Sitting at the feet of Jesus. He always prefers the quiet devotion of a sincere heart to the noisy attitude of a complainer. Think about it. You are loved...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mighty Men and Women of God (1)

'All these men of war...were of one mind to make David king.' 1 Chronicles 12:38 NKJV

Sitting here this morning listening to the hum of the vacuum cleaners as our awesome cleaning team is making this place clean for weekend services. I've been thinking lately what it takes to be mighty men and women of God. I look around our church and I can see many who help make Calvary the incredible place that it is. It takes many and it takes those who are willing. 1 Chronicles says they were of "one mind." How does this apply to us? Looking at David's life his 'mighty men' helped established his rule in Israel. Likewise, you are called to submit to the Lordship of Christ and demonstrate to the world what it's like to live according to the rules-and benefits-of His Kingdom. Jesus would not have taught you to pray, 'Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth...,' if it's a prayer God wouldn't answer (Matthew 6:10 NKJV). And He answers it through people like you. So, are you interested in becoming a mighty man or woman of God? Then let's look at King David's army. First: They were balanced! 'They were armed with bows, and could use both the right hand and the left...' (1 Chronicles 12:2 KJV) When you go to extremes and get out of balance, you hurt God's Kingdom rather than help it. For example, there are nine 'gifts' of the Spirit and nine 'fruits' of the Spirit listed in Scripture. The gifts are skill sets needed to get the job done. The fruits are Christ-like qualities that help us work together. And you must have both! Notice how God designed the garments of the high priest. On the hem at the bottom of his robe were pomegranates and bells-fruits and, surely, gifts. Why? Perhaps one reason is the bells would clang harshly against each other. So God placed pomegranates in between to keep that from happening. Getting the idea? If you're joyful at church but cantankerous at home, you're out of balance. If you can talk to Christians but you've nothing to say to non-Christians, you're out of balance. Spiritually speaking, you're supposed to be ambidextrous! More are loved!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

At Home in God's Presence

'Lord, through all the generations You have been our home!...' Psalm 90:1 NLT

Yesterday we looked at imitating Christ. Paul says that you have been 'predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.' (Romans 8:29 NRS) Such a lifestyle is promised, but it's not guaranteed. Following Gods word and having relationship with Christ take some effort but at the end of a hard day doesn't it feel good to go home to a place you know-a place where you can kick off your shoes, run around in your bathrobe and not worry about what anybody thinks. And reverently speaking, God's presence can become equally comfortable to you too. With time, you can learn to go there for strength, for protection, and for guidance. God wants you to be at home in His presence and aware of His nearness at all times. We think of God as a deity to discuss instead of a place to dwell, but God wants us to see Him as the One in whom '...we live and move and have our being...' (Acts 17:28 NIV) When God led the children of Israel through the wilderness, He didn't just show up once a day and then disappear. No, the pillar of fire was present with them all night and the cloud of smoke was present with them all day. God never leaves us. Jesus promised, '...I am with you always...' (Matthew 28:20 NIV) The Psalmist said, 'The one thing I ask of the Lord-the thing I seek most-is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life...' (Psalm 27:4 NLT) 'That's nice,' you say. 'I'd love to live in God's house too, but I'm stuck in the real world.' No, just the opposite; you are just one decision away from your Father's presence. You don't need to change your address-just your perception. Wherever you go today, whatever you face today, remind yourself: 'He is with me!' You are loved!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

You Are a Translator

'Whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise.' John 5:19 NRS
Last night as I was with our Foundations Connection group, God spoke to me and said "do you remember?" It has been 34 years that I have followed Christ by faith learning how to live this journey with Him. One of the biggest things I have learned as I journeyed through the word; imitate Jesus because He imitated the Father. Jesus acted as a translator. He got His message from the Father, then translated it to those around Him. He heard a voice others were missing. And because He could hear it, He acted differently. Remember when everyone was troubled about the blind man? Jesus wasn't. Somehow He knew that this situation would reveal God's power (John 9:3). Remember when everyone was distraught about Lazarus' illness? Jesus wasn't. Rather than hurry to His friend's bedside, He said, 'This sickness will not end in is for God's glory...' (John 11:4 NIV) How could a relationship be more intimate? Jesus had unbroken communion with His Father. How did He do it? He rose in the pre-dawn hours to pray. He communed with His Father through the night while others slept. He turned from the incessant demands and expectations of others to be sure that His agenda lined up with God's agenda. Do you suppose the Father desires the same for you? Absolutely. Paul says that you have been 'predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.' (Romans 8:29 NRS) Such a lifestyle is promised, but it's not guaranteed. It comes at a price. Are you prepared to pay that price? John writes: 'We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.' (1 John 1:3 NIV) Only when you have spent time in God's presence, when you have 'seen and heard', will you be able to talk about Jesus in a way that compels others to listen. You are loved...