Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

You Are a Translator

'Whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise.' John 5:19 NRS
Last night as I was with our Foundations Connection group, God spoke to me and said "do you remember?" It has been 34 years that I have followed Christ by faith learning how to live this journey with Him. One of the biggest things I have learned as I journeyed through the word; imitate Jesus because He imitated the Father. Jesus acted as a translator. He got His message from the Father, then translated it to those around Him. He heard a voice others were missing. And because He could hear it, He acted differently. Remember when everyone was troubled about the blind man? Jesus wasn't. Somehow He knew that this situation would reveal God's power (John 9:3). Remember when everyone was distraught about Lazarus' illness? Jesus wasn't. Rather than hurry to His friend's bedside, He said, 'This sickness will not end in is for God's glory...' (John 11:4 NIV) How could a relationship be more intimate? Jesus had unbroken communion with His Father. How did He do it? He rose in the pre-dawn hours to pray. He communed with His Father through the night while others slept. He turned from the incessant demands and expectations of others to be sure that His agenda lined up with God's agenda. Do you suppose the Father desires the same for you? Absolutely. Paul says that you have been 'predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.' (Romans 8:29 NRS) Such a lifestyle is promised, but it's not guaranteed. It comes at a price. Are you prepared to pay that price? John writes: 'We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.' (1 John 1:3 NIV) Only when you have spent time in God's presence, when you have 'seen and heard', will you be able to talk about Jesus in a way that compels others to listen. You are loved...

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