Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Have a Personal Revival (2)

'...Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.' Psalm 80:18 NKJV
AW Tozer gives us four more steps to personal revival that we must take: '(1) Bring your life into accord with such Scriptures as are designed to instruct us in the way of righteousness. An honest man with an open Bible, a pad and a pencil, is sure to find out what is wrong with him very quickly. I recommend that self-examination be made on your knees, rising to obey God's commandments as they are revealed to us. (2) Be serious-minded. You can well afford to see fewer shows on TV. Unless you can break away... every spiritual impression will continue to be lost to your heart. used to go to the movies to escape serious thinking about God. You would not join them there, but you now enjoy spiritual communion with them in your own home. The devil's ideals, moral standards and mental attitudes are being accepted by you without your knowledge. (3) Deliberately narrow your interests. Too many projects use up time and energy without bringing us nearer to God. (4) Have faith in God. Begin to expect. Look up toward the throne where your Advocate sits at the right hand of God. All of Heaven is on your side. God will not disappoint you.' The Psalmist writes, 'Restore us...and we shall be saved!' (Psalm 80:19 NKJV) You say, 'Saved from what?' From ourselves! Saved from the influences that pull us away from God and towards this world. Saved to fulfill the purposes for which we have been redeemed and called into His Kingdom. If you desire it, you can have a personal revival.

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