Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Monday, February 6, 2012

Stop Waiting for Perfect Conditions (1)

'He who observes the wind will not sow.' Ecclesiastes 11:4 NKJV

Good Morning,
Wonderful service yesterday as we continue the series "Renewing Your Vision". I hope you injoy these series as I believe they help us to grow spiritually. For the next couple of days we will be looking at moving forward in our lives; Trusting God when we aren't sure if we should move forward or not. Too many of us stand on the dock waiting. We want the ship in place, the gangplank perfectly positioned, the weather right and an engraved invitation before we're willing to launch out. It will never happen! Dreams don't move toward us, we have to move toward them. It's time to quit waiting for the ideal circumstances, perfect timing and hundred percent guarantees. John Maxwell suggests that instead of saying, 'We've never done it before,' say, 'We have the opportunity to be first.' Instead of saying, 'We don't have the resources,' say, 'Necessity fuels invention.' Instead of saying, 'There's not enough time,' say, 'We'll change how we work.' Instead of saying, 'We've already tried that,' say, 'We learned from experience.' Instead of saying, 'We don't have the expertise,' say, 'Let's network with those who do.' Instead of saying, 'Our vendors and customers won't go for it,' say, 'Let's show them the opportunities.' Instead of saying, 'We don't have enough money,' say, 'Maybe there's something we can cut.' Instead of saying, 'We're understaffed,' say, 'We're a lean, hungry team.' Instead of saying, 'It'll never get any better,' say, 'We'll try one more time.' Instead of saying, 'Let somebody else deal with it,' say, 'I'm ready to learn something new.' Instead of saying, 'It's not my job,' say, 'I'll be glad to take the responsibility.' Instead of saying, 'I can't,' say, 'By God's grace I can!' Are you ready to tell God you can?
You are Loved!

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