Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sharing Your Dream (2)

'...You...became my partners...' Philippians 4:15 TLB
Continuing yesterdays thought: you must share your dream emotionally. Paul knew how to do this: '...You Philippians became my partners...what makes me happiest is the well-earned reward you will have...' (vv15-17 TLB) For eight years we have bringing a dream of what we believe God wants for our church and you His people. I believe when you get excited about the rewards you will live it out in your lives as God intended! Ralph Waldo Emerson tells a story how he struggled trying to wrestle a young calf into his barn. He was ready to give up when an Irish servant girl walked over to the calf, stuck her finger in its mouth, and the calf, associating the sensation with its mother, followed the girl into the barn. If there is anything I have learned it's that pushing and prodding people doesn't work. I want you to feel that you will benefit personally from our dream to reach our community for Christ. I'm showing you my heart so you will buy into the dream. The dream really shouldn't just be mine, but all of ours. Jesus is the one who gave us the dream when he commanded us to "go into all the world making disciples." I want you to feel my heart. God has been doing some thing wonderful in our midst. In two weeks nine people have given their hearts to Christ. Should we say great job God and that's good enough? No, we must continue to impact those who have given their hearts to Christ and continue to reach those who haven't. God is building a wonderful team of people with a dream and vision to see people: embrace a lifestyle of devotion to God through worship. By expressing their hearts to God in prayer. By serving one another using the gifts God has given us. By testifying about Jesus; removing every barrier that keeps the unchurched from understanding and responding to the good news of Christ. Finally, by responding to Gods invitation to live a Holy life. That's my dream, that's my vision for our church. I hope and pray you will join me in this wonderful path God has us on @CFW. You are loved...

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