Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Friday, June 8, 2012

Be Passionate

'...I have...determined to do His will...' Isaiah 50:7 NLT

Did any of you see the double rainbow last night? Amy and I stood out the front door and looked in amazement as not one but two formed. It excited me to experience his creation in such a way as to want more. How is it then we can get so lackadaisical about the things of God? Isaiah said, 'I have set my face like a stone, determined to do His will.' You'll never have real success until you become passionate about it. The Psalmist wrote, 'My heart is steadfast...' (Psalm 57:7 NKJV) The word 'steadfast' means to have a commitment that's as strong as rock. Henry Ford was passionate about automobiles. Thomas Edison was passionate about light. The Wright Brothers were passionate about flying. Cars, lights, and flying are things. But what about the spiritual? Take Paul for example, his love for God compelled him to be so passionate about evangelism that nothing stopped him. Are you passionate about your faith? Look at Jesus, He was the ultimate example. Standing before Pilate, who tried to judge Him, Jesus said, '...For this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world...' (John 18:37 NIV) Twenty inch thorns would crush His brow. A spear would puncture His side. Spikes would be driven into His hands. Thirty-nine stripes would tear His back to shreds. What He felt most passionate about could only be achieved through pain. His passion and love allows us eternal life. You may feel insignificant and small. But when your love for Him begins to consume your mind, your thoughts, your conversation and your schedule-then you are headed for success. Jesus did and He won the world. My prayer is that you can win your world as well. You are loved!

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