Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Friday, August 23, 2013



'...have your sandals on and your walking stick in your hand...' Exodus 12:11 NCV

I hope you've had an amazing time with God this week. Just got done with men's Prayer connection and I feel overwhelmed that God's men still choose to come and pray! We have an amazing church and I hope you all realize that and do your part as we walk this journey of faith together.

Love the Boy Scout motto 'Be prepared,' and it's a good one. In Exodus, God told Israel, ' dressed as if you were going on a trip...have your sandals on and your walking stick in your hand.' In other words, 'Be ready when I tell you to move!' Maybe there's an area in your life where God is telling you it's time to move, but fear is making you hold back. Don't! Change is just evidence of growth. What worked yesterday can be tomorrow's recipe for failure. You can't become who you are destined to be, if you insist on staying as you are. I love the saying, 'Only fools and dead men don't change... Fools won't, and dead men can't.' Change isn't the enemy. Once you start seeing yourself as a lifelong learner looking for ways to grow and improve, change becomes your friend. Learn from the people you meet, pursue new ideas, strategies and ways to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Our bodies change no matter how hard we exercise to battle ageing... and I know all about that one. Our homes change as our needs ebb and flow. Our places of employment change as the winds of economic forces blow or new opportunities come... friendships change as family needs and employment pull us away... Many of these changes become enjoyable new seasons. But no matter what season of change you find yourself going can find comfort in Malachi 3:6, "For I am the Lord, I do not change." His mercies endure forever...and it's an awesome feeling knowing He loves and directs you just like He directed all His people who came before you. You are loved!

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