Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Why a Traditional Christmas Part 4

Word #3: Repent

Now, I know what many of you are thinking. “He just got done telling us to confess yesterday and now he is telling us to repent. Isn’t that the same thing?” My answer is, “No.” Repentance is taking confession to the next level, and it is the next logical step to prepare yourself for the coming of the King.

How many of you have kids that always obey what you say? Ok, then I think this is a story you can relate to. Let’s say you have a son who always hits his younger brother. You have told him numerous times that it is wrong and that he needs to stop it, but it is still a problem from time to time. One time, you catch him in the act, and you say, “How many times have I told you not to hit your brother?” Then, the child comes to you with a tear in their eye and says, “I’m sorry I hit my brother, mommy.” You immediately forgive them, but then, before you know it, the boy goes over and smacks his brother again. How does that make you feel? Is the child going to be in trouble again? You bet he is.

This shows us the difference between confession and repentance. This child surely confessed his sin, but as I said, repentance is taking the next step. To repent literally means to turn back or to change. It means that you see that you are doing something wrong, but you actually do something to make a difference in your behavior. When we finally do get around to confessing our sins to the Lord, we so often times are guilty of not doing anything to change our behavior. We confess and go back to the way we have always done things and are surprised and disgusted when we fall back into the same sins.

Why do you think so many prisoners end up back in prison only a few months after they are released? Many of them will tell you that they are sorry for what they have done, but when they get out, they go right back to their old circle of friends and old behaviors. Then, like clockwork, they end up back in jail. 
That’s why I believe that heaven gets so excited over repentance. Do you remember the story in which the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine sheep to find the one that was lost? And, when he finds the one who is lost, he calls his friends together and celebrates. Then, Jesus tells his listeners this in Luke 15:7. “I tell you that in the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” You see, confession is not enough. God and the angels truly get excited when repentance happens. Confession is the first step. Repentance shows that we truly mean we are sorry. I'll conclude tomorrow on why we must produce spiritual fruit in our lives. You are loved!

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