Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Prayer Factor = You

Romans 6:11”In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

Did you know God has a Plan to use you? Each of us is the means by which God will accomplish His purpose here on earth. St. Augustine said, “Without God we cannot. Without us, God will not.” God’s way is to use people. Rarely does God use a thing: His plan centers on a man or woman who comes to the place of surrender in their lives. Only as we grow spiritually can our prayers have the full term effect God desires. Each of must have a self-development plan for our spiritual lives. Example: One of the areas of self-development would be to take part in a small group. Smalls groups do a couple of things: they bring you to a place of surrendering your time and your personal wants for a great cause. What can be more important than growing in Christ?

The number #1 thing we must do is Surrender. 
The most vital area of spiritual self-development is the aspect of total surrender. We must be like Jesus, and Jesus Christ surrendered all.

The great enemy to the surrendered life is: Selfishness
The selfless Christian is a giving Christian.
The key to dying is: Giving

 I love the story of a king that wanted to show his people how much he loved them. So, he decided to pay for a great feast for his kingdom. He decided to have a great meal and invite every family. The king would provide all the meat, all the vegetables, all the desserts ... everything; the king would provide all, but the wine. The king asked every family to bring one bottle of their best wine. He would see that there was a several thousand gallon vat for all to pour in their bottle of wine. What a feast this would be! The King wanted to honor his people.

One poor farmer decided, he would slip in his bottle, nothing but water, no wine. How would the king ever know his selfishness? His one bottle of water mixed with thousands of bottles of wine would never be known. The King would never know? The taste would still be good. So the poor farmer climbed the stairs to the top of the vat and while no one was looking, he poured in his bottle of wine; I mean his bottle of water in with the thousands of other wine bottles. No one saw him. He had fooled every one there.

He laughed, he got away cheap! He sat down at the kings table ready for the feast. The king was so proud, he honored his precious people. He filled his plate with delicious food. The King picked up his Royal Gold Chalice. The king placed his chalice under the spout of the huge vat of wine. The king looked into his chalice, and to his surprise ... it was clear, pure water. Seems everybody in the kingdom thought their little bottle of water would not matter in the vat of wine.

Your part matters! Learning that self-sacrifice, dying to self, is vital to an empowered life; we begin the process of allowing the Holy spirit to work in us.

Men and women who permit God’s forgiveness to come into them so fully that not only are their sins washed out, but also their very selves, their egos, and the root of their self-will as well; Will Begin to see an intensity of power begin to manifest in their lives. Not doubt, cynicism, faultfinding, doom, gloom, pessimism. But the fruit of God working inside you.
1 John 2:15 says, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.” That’s the difference. We have decided to put in all in. More Tomorrow...
You are Loved!

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