Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Practice Unselfishness (3)

' one cares for my soul.' Psalm 142:4 NKJV

Let me ask you, are you an influencer? People you seek to influence in life always ask themselves: Do you care about me? Think about the best experiences you’ve had with people in your own life. What do they all have in common? They genuinely cared about you, right? And what’s wonderful is, you can broaden your ability to care about others outside your social circle, regardless of what you do in life. When you help people, you make your life and theirs better. Let’s listen to some observations by successful people from various backgrounds. Business: ‘You can’t make the other fellow feel important in your presence if you secretly feel…he’s a nobody.’ (Les Giblin, former national salesman of the year and popular speaker) Politics: ‘If you would win a man to your cause, you must first convince him…you are his sincere friend.’ (President Abraham Lincoln) Entertainment: ‘Some singers want the audience to love them. I love the audience.’ (Luciano Pavarotti, legendary Italian tenor) Ministry: ‘The “show business,”…so incorporated into…Christian work today, has caused us…to think that we have to do exceptional things for God; we have not. We have to be exceptional in ordinary things. ’ (Oswald Chambers, evangelist) The Psalmist wrote, No one cares for my soul.And deep down some of the people you deal with every day feel that way, too. Whether you’re trying to share your faith, do business with them, make friends, or help them in a particular area, you must prove to them that you truly care. It takes time, effort, and even sacrifice, but if you’re serious about connecting with others, you’ll do it. The chances are somebody did it for you, and it helped determine the person you are today. So do it for others!

You are Loved!

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