Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

What Keeps Us From Serving (2)

'...Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought...' Romans 12:3 NIV

Continuing from yesterday, another thing that’ll keep you from serving others is arrogance. What others think and feel isn’t important to you. Arrogant people seldom meet people on common ground. They don’t believe they should have to because by their own estimation they live on higher ground and shouldn’t have to descend to anyone else’s level. They expect others to come to them. Justice Louis D. Brandeis observed: ‘Nine–tenths of the serious controversies that arise in life result from misunderstanding, from one man not knowing the facts which to the other man seem important, or otherwise failing to appreciate his point of view.’ It’s ridiculous for anyone to think they have all the answers. Such people can become opinionated, narrow–minded and arrogant, listening only to their own thoughts and ignoring advice and suggestions from others. When your overriding goal is to build a case for your own viewpoint, people get turned off if you have a ‘my way or no way’ attitude. To win them you must be willing to build a relationship. The letters in the word ‘silent’ also form the word ‘listen’. Relationships are built by listening to people, loving them, learning from them, and leaving them better off than you found them. ‘A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.’ (Proverbs 1:5 NKJV) You are Loved!

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