Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Friday, March 29, 2013

What Wondrous Love

Calvary Faith Walk Great events @a Great Place...
Just a reminder to our CFW family that we have some exciting events planned for Passion Week.
3.29 Good Friday Worship & Communion Service 7pm @CFW
3.30 Men's Connection Breakfast 8am @CFW 
3.31 Community Sunrise Service 7am @Flattop Park  
3.31 Continental Breakfast 9am @CFW (Bring finger foods to share)
3.31 Easter Service 10am @CFW 
I hope you will make this week a spiritual priority for family and take part in these events...and bring a friend!
'...My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' Matthew 27:46 NKJV

It's Good Friday! Imagine with me having to stand on a stage and watch every sin you've ever committed replayed for the entire world to see - your secret addictions, your selfish motives, your angry outbursts, your critical attitudes and your jealous heart. How do you think you'd feel? Well, Jesus experienced much worse. The Bible says: 'He...bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness - by whose stripes you were healed.' (1 Peter 2:24 NKJV) It's bad enough to die for sins you didn't commit, but imagine being forsaken by God! It's the same word Paul used when he wrote: 'Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world...' (2 Timothy 4:10 NKJV) Paul looked for Demas and couldn't find him. And on the cross, Jesus looked for His Father and couldn't find Him either. Does that mean the Psalmist was wrong when he wrote in Psalm 37:25 NIV: '...I have never seen the righteous forsaken...'? No, because at that moment Jesus was anything but righteous. When you look at Him hanging there you will see the gossiper, the liar, the cheater, the alcoholic, the porn addict, the child abuser, the murderer. Does it bother you to see His name linked with theirs? Well, Jesus did even more. He put Himself in their place - and yours. In a move that broke God's heart and gave us the gift of eternal life, He poured out His righteous judgment on His only Son. So when Jesus cried from the cross, 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' He said it so that you would never have to. What wondrous love we get! You are loved...

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