Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


'...we have all grace after another...' John 1:16

Good Morning,
As I sit here 5:30am thanking God for all the things he has done in my life; (Our flights are on time for our vacation). I'm reminded that there is so much more to be thankful for. I had a rough day yesterday with my computer not being fixed right to the the thought that we might not get out of here. How is that it's been so nice until I want to leave to rest? Ever ask those questions? Well Gods grace is there for whatever we do.
His grace comes to us free and clear, with no strings attached. In fact, He's more tolerant and less judgmental than many of us are. We weren't worthy and didn't deserve it but because we belong to Christ, 'Out of His...(abundance) we have all grace after another...spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing...favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.' Richard J. Neuhaus said, 'The moralizing and legalizing of the Gospel of God's grace is a dull heresy peddled to disappointed people who are angry because they have not received what they had no good reason to expect.' When you truly grasp the concept of grace: 1) You will gain a fresh appreciation for God's gifts to you - things like salvation and forgiveness, the gift of life, health, laughter, music, beauty and friendship. 2) You will be less critical and less concerned with what other people do. Ever heard the saying, 'I'm okay with me. I don't need to make you wrong?' When you operate in the freedom that comes with grace, you're okay letting other people chart their own course and make decisions you may not make. 3) You will become more tolerant and less judgmental. Instead of focusing on appearance based on religious performance, you will look for authenticity and a genuine love for God. 4) You will grow spiritually. David said, 'He brought me out into a spacious place...' (Psalm 18:19 NIV). Grace expands your horizons so you can never go back to where you once were. So give Him thanks today for what He deserves!

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