Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pray for Your Pastor

'Pray...that...words may be given me...' Ephesians 6:19
Good Morning,
Amy and I are taking a some much needed vacation time and we would appreciate your prayers. We haven't taken a real vacation in several years so we are looking forward to getting some rest. Pastor Zach & Pastor Josh along with our team leaders have great services planned out just for you. Tim Armstrong and Jake Rochek will be speaking so be prepared for a mighty move of God. With the weather doing its best to keep us in the TriCities please pray for a safe trip out of here tomorrow and Seattle. Please pray for us that God will refreash us during this time.

Paul always asked his churches to pray for him. Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus: 'Pray...that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me...that I will fearlessly make known...the gospel.' Can I ask you...Do you pray for your pastors? You should! After Wilbur Chapman's first sermon at Bethany Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, a man said, 'You're pretty young to be pastor of this great church. We've always had older men. I'm afraid you won't succeed, but since you preach the gospel I'm going to help you all I can.' Chapman thought, 'What a crank.' But the man continued, 'I'm going to pray for you, and a few others have covenanted to join me.' Later, Chapman wrote, 'I didn't feel so bad when I learned that they were going to pray for me. Soon the three became fifty, and the fifty became two hundred who met before every service to pray for me. In another room eighteen elders knelt so closely around me that I could put out my hand and touch them. I always went into my pulpit confident that I would have God's anointing in answer to the prayers of those people. It was easy to preach, a real joy. And what was the result? Eleven hundred people were saved and joined the church in the next three years, and six hundred of them were men. It was the fruit of the Holy Spirit in answer to prayer. Church members have much more to do than go to church as curious, idle spectators to be amused and entertained. It is their business to pray mightily that the Holy Spirit will clothe the preacher with power and make his words like dynamite.'

What would happen if you showed up every Sunday to pray for your Pastors? Not only would they become filled with power but so would you. Together we could make a lasting impact that would change our community forever!

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