Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Monday, February 2, 2015

Grace To Handle Life

'He gives more grace.' James 4:6 NKJV
For everyone who is in a Seahawk hangover this morning I'm with you. There are so many questions I have like why not just run the ball? But hey it's done and here we sit. The Seahawks need grace just like we do. Why is grace so important? I witnessed a family sometime ago who was at church rehearsing for the Christmas program when their home burned down. It wasn't their first tragedy that year. Three months earlier when a friend, a widow with two children, died of cancer, this couple took her kids to live with them as part of the family. So when their house was destroyed it wasn't just their home they lost, it was home to two children who'd already lost their parents. The following week as they sifted through the ashes they found a slip of paper that survived the fire. On it they read these words: 'Contentment: Realizing God has already provided everything we need for our present happiness.'

God gives you 'more grace' when you walk through fiery trials. Charles Swindoll says: 'Our whole perspective changes when we catch a glimpse of the purpose of Christ. Take that away, and it's nothing more than a bitter, terrible experience. Suffering comes in many forms, but His grace is always there to carry us beyond it. I've endured a sufficient number of trials to say without hesitation that only Christ's perspective can replace resentment with rejoicing. Jesus is the central piece of suffering's puzzle. If we fit Him into place, the rest begins to make sense.'

When life blindsides us...abuse, foreclosure, disease, divorce, death, job loss or financial collapse brings us to our knees...grace says there's more love after infidelity, more joy after the diagnosis, and more life after financial ruin...grace is indomitable gift with power to change your life. But it does come with one condition-like any gift, you have to hold out your hand and accept it.

You are Loved!

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