Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Feeling Down (1)


'...We will stand in Your presence...cry out to You...and You will hear us and save us.' 2 Chronicles 20:9 NIV

I was asked one time, 'Do you ever feel down?' 'Sure,' I responded. 'What do you do about it?' they asked. 'I get up again. Being down isn't my problem - staying down is. I'm either up, or I'm getting up. I've learned not to park in between.'
Although feeling down is universal, I believe God warns us to guard our hearts against its two most common causes: fear and fatigue. Let's look at fear today:

Fear: When Edomite armies marched against Israel's king, fear gripped him and his nation. Feeling powerless, they feared losing their God-given land and possessions. If the stress of the last few years has left you feeling fearful, do what Judah's king did. He turned to God and prayed: 'Whenever we are faced with any calamity...we can...stand in Your presence...We can cry out to You...and You will hear us and rescue us.' (2 Chronicles 20:9 NLT) How amazing are those words of faith. Faith moves you into action to do something not stand idol. Don't let fear cause you to abandon your hope and your vision. Instead, stand in God's presence, cry out to Him, and watch Him rescue you. Throughout the Old Testament, God reminded His people of His track record of goodness. He wanted them to remember it and take courage. But sometimes fear would cloud their memory and they'd begin to doubt. Sound familiar? So He told them, 'Do not be...discouraged...the battle is not yours, but [Mine].' (2 Chronicles 20:15 NIV) In other words, 'You don't have to defeat the foe, that's My job. I'm in charge; trust Me to work it out.' So remember Who's in control of your circumstances today. Stand in His presence, believe His promise! You are loved...

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