Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to Raise a Timothy


'...Your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice...' 2 Timothy 1:5 NIV

Leaving your mark on your children isn't voluntary, but leaving a godly mark on them is. It's something that Amy and I have done to the best of our abilities. Our boys are men now, and we're grateful that God was with us in our parenting. If your children are still young, the seeds you sow today will continue to grow in them lifelong. Paul saw in Timothy the potential harvest he'd produce for Christ. He saw, too, that the fruit originated with the root: a mother and grandmother who were sold out for Christ.

What an encouragement for all of us whether we maybe married, widowed, divorced, or single mothers or fathers.These two women raised a servant of God and whatever the situation in your life you can too.

What does it take to raise a Timothy? Two things: (1) It takes a role model. Paul spoke of Timothy's 'sincere (Greek: un-hypocritical) faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice lives in you.' The faith they imparted 'first lived in' each of them. If it's to live in our kids, they must first see it living in us. In a world where fakes sometimes masquerade as Christians, genuine faith stands out like a beacon against the night sky. Our children have a built-in 'detector' that picks up on counterfeits and rejects them. But the genuine article will draw them like a magnet. (2) It takes teaching God's Word. Timothy's mother and grandmother planted the Scriptures in the receptive soil of his young heart before the surrounding culture could get to him. Paul reminded him 'how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures.' (2 Timothy 3:15 NIV) That's how to raise a Timothy. You are loved...

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