Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Monday, July 29, 2013

Who's on Board with You?

'...So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as He said...' Acts 27:25 NLT

Just a couple of prayer reminders this morning before we get into something God laid on my heart Last night. Please pray for a child her name is details but please pray. Continued prayers for Janice Ibarra and Amy... One other thing, if you can come help Rob & Kim move today we'll be meeting at there home at 12n. 2440 Lisino Ave West Richland.

One of the things to do when going through things in life is to do as Paul suggests, "take courage and believe God." I read a story about "Robert Schuller who was on a cruise ship off Queensland when the captain announced they were about to navigate a very narrow and dangerous crevice. They needed at least ten metres of water to get through and avoid running aground. Just then a small motorboat approached with a captain from Australia. As he boarded the big ship, the crew saluted and stepped aside to let him take the helm. This man specialised in maneuvering big ships through small spaces, and because of his expertise they made it through without a problem." There's an important lesson here. Before you get caught in life's storms, make sure Jesus is at the helm, and that you know who your traveling companions are. In the midst of a gale that threatened to sink their ship, Paul stood up and announced, 'Take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as He said.' Paul had confidence because he knew who the real Captain was that day. He never doubted for a moment that God would honor His promise to save him, and everyone on board. When you go through storms that shake your faith you need people who know what the Word of God says, people who believe that God will 'do exactly' what He said no matter how bad the circumstances look. Such friends are few and far between, and they're precious. If you have one or two of them in your life today you're blessed, so thank God for them. So be Courageous today and believe God...You are loved!

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