Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Monday, September 9, 2013

God's Just in Time Technology

Just a reminder that our new Fuel Group Schedule is in place and ready to go. The group you signed up for yesterday is the group you need to go to this week. We have amazing groups you can be a part of. Please make Community discipleship a priority in your life! You won't regret it...(Sunday 9am Women's Jesus Calling, Monday @CFW 6:30pm Foundations, Tuesday 7pm @the Clark's, Thursday 7pm @the Collins, Friday 6:30pm Young Adults @the Nix's)

God reveals as We need to Know

This is something important that God wanted me to remind you of today. It was a part of yesterdays message that many of you were touched by as Gods Spirit spoke into your life. I love when God moves on as he did yesterday. Here's a reminder of why God gives us what we need, not always what we want.

God doesn't reveal his entire plan until His people are ready to understand and apply His truth in their lives. Remember the promise to Abraham in Genesis, he would have been completely unable to understand all of those details of God’s plan since Jesus wouldn’t even appear on the scene for thousands of years. So God just revealed to Abraham the part of His plan that Abraham needed to know in order to be obedient to God and fulfill God’s plan for his life.

God still works that way today. As much as some of us think we want to know exactly what the future will hold, the fact is we couldn’t handle it if we did. What if you knew that you would have a heart attack and die in advance? You would try with all your heart to change the outcome so you wouldn't die. So God reveals as much of his plan for us each day as we need to live out our lives one day at a time. Jesus made that quite clear in the Sermon on the Mount:

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”  Matthew 6:34 (Message) The verse before that says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”

Jesus is telling us that life is a mystery that God unfolds in our lives one day at a time. God reveals to us today what we need to live our lives today. And when tomorrow comes, he’ll give us what we need then.

Many businesses apply an inventory strategy called “just in time” or “JIT.” That strategy calls for them to obtain their raw materials only when they are actually needed for production rather than storing large quantities of those items. The idea is that they can save on the costs of storing those materials and avoid large outlays of cash to purchase supplies that won’t be needed for some time.

God uses the “just in time” technology method when it comes to revealing His plan for our lives. Because he knows it would be unproductive to give us more than we need right now.

That’s why Matthew 6:33-34 is such an important message for us in our lives. If we seek him first …have faith in him…he has our best interest at heart. You are Loved!

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