Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Choose the Right Friends (2)

'Two people are better off than one.' Ecclesiastes 4:9 NLT

One of the things we are doing as a church is encouraging each other to go beyond our comfort zones in taking the initiative. The phrase 'How can I make your day better' gives you the opportunity to speak to someone you may never have had the opportunity to speak to. Don’t wait to be introduced. Say ‘hello’ and get the other person’s name. If you’re naturally shy, it can be hard taking the first step. But the chances are that the other person feels the same, and when you start talking you’ll find things in common.

Take a risk. If you like somebody, go a little deeper and mention a small struggle, fear or disappointment you’ve experienced. It’s called ‘manageable risk’ and it lets you gauge how the other person responds. If they’re caring and identify with what you’re saying, that’s a good sign. If they shut down, try to fix you or respond critically, it may be time to move on. But if everything else works out, exchange phone numbers and invite the other person for coffee or lunch or to church.

Then go for a second meeting and give it a little time; that way you’ll know if it’s a friendship worth developing. Find out where people go to spend time. There are lots of places to get to know new people—like church, the gym, school, a play group or volunteer service. Be willing to leave your comfort zone and try new situations. Remember that God uses all kinds of friendships to fulfil His purpose. Jesus chose Judas as a friend and that relationship accomplished the purposes of God. Even the least affirming of your friends, the people who hurt and betray you, play their part in bringing God’s ultimate blessing into your life. Ask God for a friend, then go out and make one!

You are Loved!

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