Calvary Church

Calvary Church

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Go in His Strength

'Go in the strength you have...Am I not sending you?' Judges 6:14 NIV

It's one of those days...give me coffee, I need I really don't need the coffee as much as I need Jesus. It's really His strength you and I need. It’s said, ‘There’s nothing stranger than people, but there’s nothing more important!’ Jesus understood that principle. He spent His life as ‘one who serves.’ (Luke 22:27 NIV)
He ministered to society’s outcasts. He sought out the one sheep that was lost while the other ninety–nine waited (Luke 15:4–6). Even on the cross Jesus wasn’t just thinking about the impact of His earthly ministry, or tying up loose ends. He was busy forgiving the thief on an adjacent cross, asking His Father to forgive the men who crucified Him, and making sure His mother was taken care of after He went back to Heaven.
So, was Jesus’ schedule less pressing than ours? Or did He know something we don’t? For example, instead of filling our diaries, we should be more concerned with building relationships and pouring ourselves into the lives of those around us? Think what could happen if, like Jesus, we made a conscious decision to invest our time and talent into the lives of twelve people. The possibilities are mind–boggling! Perhaps you feel intimidated by the concept of making a difference in the world. Don’t let your vision of what’s possible be limited by what you perceive as your own strengths and weaknesses. ‘With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine.’ (Ephesians 3:20 NCV) Only one opinion matters—God’s. And He told Gideon, ‘Go in the strength you have and save Israel…Am I not sending you?’ The strength of the Sender, not the weaknesses of the one being sent, is what changes the odds and wins the day.
You are Loved!

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